Monday, January 15, 2007

FR: First Night out using direct

Tonight was my first night out using the direct method, it was a well interesting experience. I approached around 15 sets with mixed results.
The things that stood out for me was the following:

* Opening is kinda harder, u must be fully comitted and powerful.
* If executed properly after the opening u are basically done with attraction after opening, she will commit to u, as long as u are powerful enough
* Excuses are very strong and the hotter the chick the harder to overcome these.
* Its a very different thing doing this honest and direct vibe, compared to using routines, since u are exposing yourself and putting "you" on the line instead of some KJ from an internetforum.

Now to the "hottie". This was the most beautyful girl I ever approached, she was a 10, when she walked time seemed to slow down. I approached her over the whole room. Slowly very powerfully, its amazing how many toughts cross your mind in during those 3 - 4 seconds. I opened with "Hi i´m Biggie, I saw u and just had to come up and talk to you." She was blown away, her eyes started to shine with attraction. "I´m Michaela" she said and it was on. More so I knew attraction was done, this was by far the most powerful opening I ever done in my life. I started vibeing and she all into me, she even buys me a drink. So I isolate her to nearby sofas and begin to building rapport, now my society blocking is starting to kick in VERY STRONGLY, and I start ask of my self who am I to get this hottie? I can really feel it taking over. (For the record I am 180 cm tall 110 kilos, overweight and in very bad shape, on looks I would rate myself a 2, not that it really bothers me, but this time it appearently did.) and even tough I knew I could kiss her, I couldnt force myself to do more then taking her msn, not even when her lips where 2 - 3 cm. Eventually she relized that I was not her prince, yet. And the glow on her face went out and she ejected.

But now I know that I can do it.

Now I know...

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