Monday, January 15, 2007


Alot of guys including me struggle with setting goals and following trough. I used to think that setting goals is useless and kinda limits your life. But since I started doing just that, my life and happyness have skyrocketed!

So without further ado here are my goals for 2007:

This year I will finish my masters in probability theory including a thesis based around the usage of Martingale Theory in finance math.

2007 is the year I finally will lose 15 kg and my Biggie Bank. This includes cooking healthy food for myself atleast 6 times a week. (In the past eating pizza and burger n shit have always been an easy way to selfsabotage)
And listen trough Tony Robbins Personal Power II.

Love & Relations

I will continue to work on my social skills and improve every part of my game. I will both raise my direct game to the same standard as my natural game i atm.

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