Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Secret to Opening

Many guys seems to think that opening needs to be really special. You dont really need to deliver anything special, just make sure that you overcome the energy of the setting, the real key to opening is being casual about it, and of course, being outcome independent. You cant really expect her to respond as you wish. What you can do tough is to expect to have fun and to enjoy the moment.

You dont really need fancy lines, amazing openers, shotgun negs, sniper negs, no rollercoasters not even the near mythical octoberman sequance. What you need is a smile, and a true and sincere wish to have fun.


The most important part of your game

VOCAL PROJECTION! Yes, talk loud and you'll get laid. As juggler says, loud people dont scare others quite people do. There are so many Guys out there thinking that they get blown out of set, but what really happens is that the girl doenst even hear em.

More often then not she even get upset, thinking that "here is this nice guy I wanna talk to, but I didnt hear what he said, and now he thinks I'm a bitch!" While most guys think she blow me out.

So from now on. Every time you open a set keep it loud enough to overcome the energy of the enviorment.

Another thing I want to bring up is the role of looks and money. They dont matter at all! The only thing looks and money does is that it helps the girl rationalize to her friends while she hooked up with you. He was so good looking can easily be replaced with He had such an amazing personality.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

A vision of greatness

Today I was writing a test in stochastic processes. And I was failing. In the end I turned in the paper blank, but in the middle of all this, suddenly I got a "vision" or something similar I relised that this was the last paper I will ever fail.

Last january when everything came down on me and I had to reconsider everything in my life. At that point I was failing badly. In school I hade in 3 years of study achived 32 credits. That is what most people achive in 1½ term. I hadent got a single credit all year. In all of 2005 I had got 1 kiss from 1 girl. Thats all. I was bankrupt, I was about to get evicted. I had pushed all my friends away and for me life felt empty and full of hardship with no rewards. I was in hell.

My family helped me out economicly, I started to give more efforts to my studies, I managed to keep my apartment (just a studentroom but still.) After producing some results. I gave myself into the seduction community. I started to turn my life around. I was still failing alot of tests, I could still not force myself to study even remotly enough. But I was moving in the right direction. I was pushing myself. As Al Pacino put it in any given sunday "I was clawing out of hell 1 inch at a time."

But even tough I´ve been to hell, I wasnt ready to take all the steps at the same time. When I focused on school I put down 1 years of work in 3 months. Then I focused on seduction and school suffered. Then I focused on school and seduction suffered and back again. Now I have a foundation, I am decent with women, I am still 1½ years behind with my studies, but I have some discipline. I didnt know it then but I wasnt ready for greatness yet. Untill today.

During this test I was about to fail, I knew that from now on I will put the effort needed into every subject. Simply because I finally understood. I knew that I can and will do it. Because I finally relised that it was what I wanted. This is not just an empty promise this is reality, this started as a vision but now it is the truth. I am truly great. As Napoleon once gave Marshall Ney the title Bravest of the Brave. I now know that I am the greatest of the great!

Monday, January 15, 2007

FR: First Night out using direct

Tonight was my first night out using the direct method, it was a well interesting experience. I approached around 15 sets with mixed results.
The things that stood out for me was the following:

* Opening is kinda harder, u must be fully comitted and powerful.
* If executed properly after the opening u are basically done with attraction after opening, she will commit to u, as long as u are powerful enough
* Excuses are very strong and the hotter the chick the harder to overcome these.
* Its a very different thing doing this honest and direct vibe, compared to using routines, since u are exposing yourself and putting "you" on the line instead of some KJ from an internetforum.

Now to the "hottie". This was the most beautyful girl I ever approached, she was a 10, when she walked time seemed to slow down. I approached her over the whole room. Slowly very powerfully, its amazing how many toughts cross your mind in during those 3 - 4 seconds. I opened with "Hi i´m Biggie, I saw u and just had to come up and talk to you." She was blown away, her eyes started to shine with attraction. "I´m Michaela" she said and it was on. More so I knew attraction was done, this was by far the most powerful opening I ever done in my life. I started vibeing and she all into me, she even buys me a drink. So I isolate her to nearby sofas and begin to building rapport, now my society blocking is starting to kick in VERY STRONGLY, and I start ask of my self who am I to get this hottie? I can really feel it taking over. (For the record I am 180 cm tall 110 kilos, overweight and in very bad shape, on looks I would rate myself a 2, not that it really bothers me, but this time it appearently did.) and even tough I knew I could kiss her, I couldnt force myself to do more then taking her msn, not even when her lips where 2 - 3 cm. Eventually she relized that I was not her prince, yet. And the glow on her face went out and she ejected.

But now I know that I can do it.

Now I know...


Alot of guys including me struggle with setting goals and following trough. I used to think that setting goals is useless and kinda limits your life. But since I started doing just that, my life and happyness have skyrocketed!

So without further ado here are my goals for 2007:

This year I will finish my masters in probability theory including a thesis based around the usage of Martingale Theory in finance math.

2007 is the year I finally will lose 15 kg and my Biggie Bank. This includes cooking healthy food for myself atleast 6 times a week. (In the past eating pizza and burger n shit have always been an easy way to selfsabotage)
And listen trough Tony Robbins Personal Power II.

Love & Relations

I will continue to work on my social skills and improve every part of my game. I will both raise my direct game to the same standard as my natural game i atm.

Hey guys

This is the B. Whatup.

Here I figure I´m gonna post my goals and in every aspect of my life. Sometimes I´m gonna write up a few articles for fun. Hope u gonna enjoy this lads.